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IAF EMENA 2017 "Boosting positive change – the power of facilitation": что рекомендуют, читают и о чем мечтают фасилитаторы со всего мира

2017-10-16 17:07 Фасилитация
Андрей Колесников, управляющий собственник PowerLexis, принял участие в конференции IAF EMENA 2017 «Внедрение позитивных изменений - сила фасилитации» (“Boosting positive change – the power of facilitation”). Конференция проходила в Париже, Франция, 13-15 октября 2017 года. В рамках конференции фасилитаторы со всего мира ответили на три вопроса: какую книгу, портал или другой ресурс они бы порекомендовали для профессионального развития, что бы они посоветовали коллегам-фасилитаторам и какой главной профессиональной цели хотят достигнуть в следующие пять лет. Мы проанализировали ответы и готовы показать результаты.

Орфография и пунктуация авторские

All tips

• Give yourself constraint your design you are make them more creative
• Test your design on a small group (before very changeling events with a lot at stake)
• It is not about everything you need, the group has it. Do not forget to breath!
• Be the physical embodiment of the result you want people in the group to achieve
• Trust the process!
• Test and learn
• Spend as much time as possible preparing with direct but also with group participants
• Find fellow facilitator to have a feedback
• Trust the group! (And get out of the way)
• When you do not know what to do next, congratulate yourself and ask the group
• Three-legged stool of facilitation: clear aims, design and be the facilitator
• Trust the people and the Process
• Trust the group + watch out for projection
• Take/Make time for personal reflection
• Good contracting is the key for good result
• Find a Masters to follow around a model
• Trust the group
• Peer facilitators more inspirations than books
• Find the right purpose and concrete outcome that is desired. Facilitate a good planning meeting
• Trust the process and people
• Be fully present
• Be prepare to display the same level of vulnerability as you expect of your group and client
• Continue inspired by people and inspire people
• Always search for few, pleasure and sharing with participants
• Start with the why
• Align your facilitation style with yourself
• "Hold" the conversation
• Be prepared to be surprised; find your strength and your learning needs
• Breathe
• Listen
• Just do it… but in concert with the client, collaborators and the groupPersonal
• Stay cool! In any circumstances
• Try something new any time you can
• Keep it simple
• Giving sense, giving framework, giving confidence
• Make things!
• Connect heart, head and body
• Be yourself and love yourself
• Keep calm, say it, think again, step by step
• Dare to test| try and learn
• Get grounded and be there with whatever you feel
• Trust your feelings and intuition
• Trust your common sense
• Good quality questions
• Be authentic, natural, you
• It is your personality, which gives you your performance
• Be open to new calls and ideas
• Be Adventurous! Think all is possible
• Be open and present to the group and its needs
• Fail with grace!
• Intervene paradoxically
• Listen Breath
• Listen, Trust, Give recommendation
• Be the change you want to see
• Trust and Dare
• Use your whole body and love to trust
• Be yourself -> creative for a better world
• Stay true to yourself
• Do what you love and love what you do

The best written resource for development professional development


• Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!: Ten Principles for Leading Meetings That Matter.
• Facilitate a workshop by Formapart
• Visual Leaders: New Tools for Visioning, Management, and Organization Change by David Sibbet
• Jean Phillippe's book
• Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
• The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers
• Gung ho! Turn On the People in Any Organization by Ken Blanchard
• Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Danial Pink
• Meryem Le Saget books
• How to build better business using lego serious method by Per Kristiansen
• The Secrets of Facilitation: The S.M.A.R.T. Guide to Getting Results With Groups 1st Edition
by Michael Wilkinson
• Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
• Facilitator's and trainer's toolkit by Artie Mahal
• Permaculture: Principles and Pathways beyond Sustainability by David Holmgren
• The Complete Facilitator's Handbook by John Heron
• The High Performance Organization by Linda Holbeche
• Leading Change by John P. Kotter
• Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision-Making by Sam Kaner
• Participatory Workshops: A Sourcebook of 21 Sets of Ideas and Activities by Robert Chambers
• Beyond the Wall of Resistance: Why 70% of All Changes Still Fail--and What You Can Do About It by Rick Maurer
• Thinking slow, thinking fast by Daniel Kahneman
• Ain't no mountain high enough. DHL Express Motto
• The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
• Standing in the Fire: Leading High-Heat Meetings with Clarity, Calm, and Courage by Larry Dressler
• The Workshop Book: From Individual Creativity to Group Action (ICA series) by R. Brian Stanfield
• Tao Te Ching. Laozi
• Don't Just Do Something, Stand There!: Ten Principles for Leading Meetings That by Marvin R. Weisbord
• Visual meeting, teams and leaders by David Sibbet
• Books by Michael Wilkinson
• The Courage to Lead: Learning how to Develop the Five C's of Leadership Paperback by Derrick Boles
• David Sibbet’s books
• The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) by David Emerald
• Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell
• Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative by Austin Kleon
• The Solutions Focus: Making Coaching and Change SIMPLE by Paul Z Jackson, Mark McKergow
• Group work pattern cards
• Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World by Harrison Owen
• Adam Grant’s Give and Take: 8 Insights on Success and Generosity
• IAF Method database / library of session lab
• Liberation structures/ books, apps, websites
• Neuroscience for Organizational Change: An Evidence-based Practical Guide to Managing Change by Hilary Scarlett
• Whoever comes are the right people by Harrisom Owen
• Finding Your Feet by Corinne Hutton
• IAF Method Database library


• Vers la sobriété heureuse / Pierre Rabhi
• L'aet d'aller a l'assentiel Leo Babauta
• Le Pouvoir du moment present E. Tolle
• Ta deuxieme vie commence quand the comprends que tu n'en as qu' une. Rophaelle Giadano


The highest achievement goals for the 5 next year

About facilitation
• Spend less time in production, spend more time as the speaker
• Work with very large groups to have more impact on organization
• Write "facilitation" within the heart of decathlon DNA
• Boost facilitation culture!
• Develop facilitators among companies
• To set-up 5 more chapters (IAF) in China
• Getting more emotions into facilitation
• Hangover facilitation skills to a large range of managers
• A funded research programmer on facilitation in UK/Europe demonstrating impact
• Finding a good combination of coaching, facilitation and consultancy
• Work less formally, work more informally
• Create supportive spaces where sustainable development professionals can have deep effective conversations
• Have consolidated my facilitation philosophy
• Certification of our new formation
• To understand and train embodiment in facilitation more and more
• To help more facilitators to be real professionals
• Keep learning, sharing and learning, and sharing
• More visuals and movement
• Share more and listen to more facilitators
• Making the IAF youthful

Help people
• Help people to find their own solution
• Help people to be happy at work
• Preparing others to facilitate professionally
• Awake people too enhance sensitivity
• Introduces people to visual facilitation
• Help people to move on
• Create new methodologies to managers facilitators

Write books
• Write another book on the future of leadership
• Complete book on meaning
• Impact measured systematically - a new book about that
• Write books about intelligence gestures
• Get a degree! Write the book!
• Write again
• Write a book about living enterprises about how they can change the world together with many great authors
Work-life balance
• Find my way
• Have fun!
• The sky is limit! Have fun all the day!
• The sky is not a limit!
• Be happy!
• Keep calm and look inward
• Full aesthetic present all the time
• Enjoy life
• Remain what I am and change!
• Enjoy!
• Spread cooperation all around me
• Take care and have fun
• Have more funPersonal career
• Archive more and more collaborative transformation
• To be recognized for one specialization
• Participate to develop remote
• Facilitation impact award - platinum of course
• Own facilitation environment
• Be yourself -> creative for a better world
• Transform the china education system
• Being a part of a solution IAF Board
• 101 tips on 101 brilliant videos on www.get2thepoint.org for civil society
• Be involved and achieve a large positive for a large organization
• Professionalize the facilitator posture in my firm
• A Nordic certification model for facilitation
• Develop talents: I want to combine psy-social-behavier facilitation and gaming and storytelling to help people to set the most successful professional path in their lives